I was reminded a couple of days ago of the danger of using tools that help you to get things up and running quickly, by a question that I was asked in an interview. The question was pretty simple, but not something I’d thought about for a while, which was: “What are the verbs used in RESTful services?”.
Now intuitively I know that answer, but hadn’t really thought about it for a while, so I basically answered incorrectly (mostly because I suck at inteviews), only remembering that you do GET and POST in HTTP, so responding that GET is to query and POST is for inserts/updates.
Of course I know the reality (and one of the advantages) of RESTful services is that they behave by contract, so they can use the full complement of the HTTP verbs, and the convention is to use each one for a specific purpose:
- GET – used to get or retrieve a resource (always returns the same resource for the same query).
- POST – used to create a new resource (returns the location for the newly created resource).
- PUT – used to replace a resource (typically an update).
- DELETE – used to remove a resource
- OPTIONS – sometimes used to describe information about what verbs a service can use for a specific URI (not normally implemented however).
But the last few times I’ve done RESTful services, I’ve simply let an IDE generate them for me, so I haven’t even thought about those last statements. In the IDE, all I had to do was say I wanted to add REST (using Jersey) to my session beans, and voila, I have a full fledged RESTful service.
And of course on the consuming side, all I have to do is call the right method, and under the covers the Jersey client stuff does the right thing about which verb to use. So I’m not actually thinking about what’s under the covers, and because of that wouldn’t be quick on my feet about how the service is constructed under the covers.
There are of course pros and cons to approaching code in this way. In the early days of writing code, we all had to know what the machine language underneath looked like. Modern languages hid that complexity from us, and reading assembly language became a lost art practiced by rocket scientists and performance gurus.
By hiding the complexity we have been able to develop insanely complex applications that would not have been possible without those building blocks. Freeing ourselves with increasingly general patterns in code, we are able to focus on solving the problem at hand, and stand on the shoulders of those that go before us in doing so.
I don’t expect to need to write a RESTful service from scratch any time soon, but it is a good reminder that when you rely on tools to build your code, you are risking living with a lack of understanding of the underlying mechanism, which could make it difficult to know about the pros and cons of a solution.
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