Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Who is Policy Governance®

The court room quieted as Paulie C. Governance took the stand. He was sworn in on a stack of PMBOK‘s and the prosecutor was ready to begin.

The following was taken from the transcript and witness accounts:

Prosecutor: Please state your name and occupation for the court

Paulie: Paulie C. Governance, trusted advisor to the board.

Prosecutor: And you are a proposing a change to the way the board operates are you not ?

Paulie: Yes, Policy Governance®.

Prosecutor: Thank you, we have your name, I was asking you about the change you are proposing.

Paulie: Yes, that is Policy Governance® .. with a capital P and a capital G.

Prosecutor: Yes, yes, and a capital C. I was asking what, not who.

Paulie: No capital C, bu there is a registered trademark, like the PMP®

Prosecutor: You don’t capitalize the C?  That IS unusual. Why would Paulie C. Governance have a registered trademark?

Paulie: Well Policy Governance® is the child of John and Mirriam Carver, and they wanted the protection of the registered trademark.

Prosecutor: Your parents gave you a registered trademark ? I think we’re way off topic here. Please tell us: what is the name of the the system you are proposing.

Paulie: Policy Governance®

Prosecutor: So the system has your name ? Are you expecting to run the board yourself.

Paulie: No, the board will use an integrated set of concepts and principles that describes the job of any governing board.

Prosecutor: Now we’re getting somewhere: what is that system called ?

Paulie: Policy Governance@

Prosecutor (clearly frustrated): Now let me get this straight: your name is Paulie C. Governance, right?

Paulie: Yes

Prosecutor: And Mirriam Carver gave birth to Paulie C. Governance ?

Paulie: No, she only added to the theory, it was John Carver’s idea.

Prosecutor (grinning): It usually is the man’s idea. Let’s try something else: you are proposing the board use an integrated set of concepts and principles that describes the job of any governing board.

Paulie: Yes

Prosecutor: and that system is called Paulie C. Governance, but it’s not named after you?

Paulie: Yes

Prosecutor: then what is your name?

Paulie (now frustrated): Paulie C. Governance is my name, and the system is Policy Governance® which is an integrated set of concepts and principles that describes the job of any governing board.

At this point, the prosecutor tried to strangle Paulie, so court had to adjourn until a new prosecutor could be found …

Monday, October 1, 2012

Using Firebug and jQuerify to Filter a Page

I love Firebug, and I’m getting so I understand jQuery pretty well.

I often drop into the console and type in jQuery commands to figure out how to get things to happen on a page. For example, I was looking at a really long page of search results from Taleo that lists out all of my submissions for jobs at CACI. The problem is, that it shows the fully active submissions with the inactive ones, so it’s not very useful for figuring out what I need to follow up on.

So it occurred to me that if I could just write a couple lines of jQuery to look for the items that include “Active” in them, I could reduce this list in a way that would be meaningful for me.

So the first thing I did was go look at the page HTML to figure out whether there was something on the page I could use to separate out each row on the search page.




I fired up Firebug by right clicking on one of the items and choosing “Inspect in Firebug”.











This starts up Firebug (if it isn’t already showing) and took me to the part of the HTML that I was looking for:







So now I knew I needed to look for something that had a class of “iconcontentpanel” that contained the text “Active”.  I decided to outline it with a green dashed line, so my jQuery looked like:

$(".iconcontentpanel:contains('Active')").css('border','3px dotted green');

So I flipped over to the Console in Firebug and tried running that:






But that gave me an error since there is no jQuery on the original page. But there’s this nifty little thing in the console that says “jQuerify”, and clicking that injects jQuery into the page:







So now that jQuery is available, running the script again gives me what I was looking for:








And of course I can add even more jQuery to strip out unwanted parts of the page, change format, etc, leaving me something that is more  actionable: